Team USA FIT Touch World Cup Tour

Eastwood Hall welcomes Team USA for the FIT Touch World Cup

Eastwood Hall has had the pleasure of hosting the USA Touch Rugby team’s last month, for the FIT Touch World Cup in Nottingham.

The team at Eastwood worked around the clock to ensure the best for the 160 athletes and their 40+ staff.

USA Touch President, OJ Hawea said the following about their time at Eastwood: “Our stay at Eastwood Hall would be the definitive highlight of our tour to the FIT Touch World Cup held in Nottingham. As Team USA, we had a level of expectation to deliver to our athletes and staff that we felt would be hard to manage and deliver on. The staff at Eastwood Hall not only met each expectation, but exceeded everything we thought we could come up with.

To begin with, the facility is in great shape and the newer additions to a historical place such as Eastwood Hall only enhance the character of what this beautiful home away from home became for all of Team USA. There was nothing more we could have asked for to host such an important event for USA Touch and all of our players and staff. There were more than ample rooms and space to do anything we needed and when something extra came along or something changed in our plans, the staff were able to almost start to move before we even knew what we needed to ask them for.

As our event is held each 4 years, this comes at the end of a planning cycle that began in 2019 as the last event ended in Malaysia. The planning process with the staff at Eastwood was second to none. Each question was answered with all options they had and others that they went to investigate for us. Bringing over 160 athletes and a staff that exceeded 200 people from all over the United States, each process was taken care of with a level of standard that exceeds what anyone would have ever imagined. Each step along the way was handled with the utmost professionalism and their attention to detail was sublime.

From the food options to working with food allergies and changes in the menu with providing options when our schedule changed, you would have thought each change was the original plan from how the staff delivered to our needs. Working with 160 athletes that needed anything from a recovery room to ice baths and beyond, the staff sourced options for us and helped with delivery of options we didn’t even know to ask for. The break out options at the place are unparalleled, we never felt like we were ever on top of each other and the spaces available just added to the way this event was delivered.

Each time we found ourselves amazed with the delivery of something we needed that we expected to struggle with, the answer from the management was simply ….. ‘This is what we do’ and they would get to work. We can’t thank the staff and people of Eastwood Hall enough for making Team USA part of their family for the two weeks we visited Nottingham. This was more than a tour and became for most of us, a visit with family as we will always consider Eastwood our ‘home’ in Nottingham and the staff as our extended family in the UK”

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